
[CAU-AI핵심 기술세미나] Bringing Artificial Intelligence to Mixed Reality, 정진서 박사과정 (서울대학교) – 2024년 11월 15일 14시

2024-10-24 16:36:31 | 관리자 | 조회수: 1018

20241115 14시에 진행되는 중앙대학교 AI대학원 CAU-AI핵심 기술세미나 진행 안내드립니다.

관심있는 분들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.


Presenter:  정진서 박사과정 (서울대학교)

- 2015-2020, 중앙대학교 융합공학 학사대학 수석 졸업

- 2020-현재서울대학교컴퓨터공학 석박사통합과정

Date & Time: Nov. 15, 2024. 14:00


Place: Online Zoom ( https://cau.zoom.us/j/82608427445 )


Title: Bringing Artificial Intelligence to Mixed Reality

This seminar will explore the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within Mixed Reality (MR) environments, focusing on how AI can elevate immersive experiences. We will address the key challenges facing this field, particularly addressing the complexities of training data in AI-driven MR systems. We will also delve into techniques for seamless scene editing, highlighting the pivotal role of precise lighting estimation in this task.

*This seminar was supported by Institute of Information & communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (2021-0-01341, Artificial Intelligence Graduate School Program(Chung-Ang University))

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